Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summertime, Summertime

Hello again.
Sorry it has been awhhile since last post, alot has been going on.
February we had a flood and the shop was surrounded. I had my own little Island. I was like Maryanne without a Gilligan. Alot of water here this spring, and find that my yard is one third in the flood zone. Won't be putting in any more flower beds there so I have finally planted the boxes at the shop.
Have hired a new Nail Tech, Teresa. Working out very well. Now I can have time for a Betty day and leave the shop in the hands of all the wonderful wormen working with me. It is so wonderful that I took off Friday afternoon and spent it making cookies with 7 of my grandchildren. Had a barbeque and watched a movie. The Sand Lot 2. How wonderful to have Grandchildren, you can always send them home after filling them up. Couldn't swim tho as it rained real hard again. Is the rain ever going to stop.
Hope to hear from all and have a Blessed day.

